Prescription Requests

At Sim Family Clinic in northwest Houston, it is our policy to refill your regularly taken medications during scheduled office visits.
We do not accept requests for prescription refills or medication changes over the phone or by fax.
Prescription requests can begin to be addressed by calling us at (281) 893-5870 to schedule your appointment.
We encourage you to schedule and keep routine appointments with your doctor so that your medical condition can be monitored, any necessary lab work completed or reviewed, and your prescriptions refilled. During these visits, our physicians will make sure you have enough medication to last until your next scheduled visit. Keeping these appointments can help you avoid an interruption in your medication therapy.
If you are prescribed medication at your visit, but your condition has either not improved or gotten worse, the doctor would like to see you in person for further examination. Please call us at (281) 893-5870 to schedule your appointment.
When your doctors issues a prescription, your pharmacy can advise you on the status of the order or any refills. Please contact your pharmacist if you require this information.
Make plans to consult one of the primary care doctors at Sim Family Clinic to ensure your prescriptions are up-to-date and working for you. Call Sim Family Clinic in Houston, Texas, at (281) 893-5870 to get started.